Sunday, January 24, 2010


O!M!G!I just got back from THE awesome-est weekend ever. Skycroft. Teens only with young adult counselors. Okay, maybe like 4 parents. But it was fanatical! Fantastic! Ahhh-mazing!
Food? Good enough for me! (And I'm a pretty picky eater!) LOL I had hot chocolate EVERY day with these weird mini-creamers. Like "Irish Cream", "Amaretto", and classics like "Original", "French Vanilla", "Hazelnut"...
...why am I using up all my space with beverage-chat?
I ran like a little girl for the hunt, cried x10 during the rally, and stayed up ALL night, even when I so did not want to. Psh, loud room mates. Oh, and they freaked/screamed/cried over stinkbugs. I, not being scared, was forced to be the well-loved disposer of these poor beings. I had some downs about "friend"ship problems, but some awesome times with my real BFF's. I just can't buh-lieve I must wait yet another year for the next Teen's Winter Retreat.
Ugh.Mom was getting on my back ah-gain. She is such a harpy sometimes.
I felt like I was on a different level; A much higher level. Kind of like a cloud. I'm a Christian and proud of it, and I think He was there with me. Helped bring me up there, actually. I'm trying to start over, but I've already failed a dozen times in 2 days. Sigh. Call me hopeless, call it true.

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