Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thought Bubbles

Bubbles.As childish as it may seem, I'm not in a joking or funny mood. It doesn't mean I'm angry, it's just kind of a mellow feeling. Bubbles. Bubbles. They're made of water. They float...for a while. They fall and they pop. Once they start to fall, it's basically all over: Downhill from there.
A multitude of bubbles surround my thoughts, my future at the captivating front of this reverie. What do I want to be when I grow up? What's my goal in life? What am I interested in? How is that conflicted with my choices down the path? When will it finally be clear? Will it ever be clear?
I don't think so. Everyone always says "If I had done it differently"...I'm hoping He will lead me, but this is what I think: He deals the cards, but we choose how we play with them. (B1) I love acting. Drama. There's always something in my stomach, but it's not fear or nervousness.  
(B2) I also love music. Hearing it, playing it, learning about it, teaching it. I've been forced into it ever since I was little, but a couple years back, I stopped minding. Again with the metaphors: They pushed me into the door-less room, and I decided to stay in there. I play the piano, the acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric guitar, drums of all kinds, singing, clarinet, bass clarinet, cello, and I just have so many loves. I know the drums is my favorite. Landslide.

 (B3) I love poetry and writing. I've already told you about fanfiction. I'm still writing, the reviews escalate. My pulse escalates even faster. I love metaphors, phrases, literature, and I just eat it all in. I've known it just as long as music, if not longer. I read when I was 2. I wrote when I was in early elementary. I've written a poem in 3rd grade that the counselors in my county have officially started using for their teaching and demonstrating. I admire fictionpress's (fanfiction's sister site) logo "Let the words flow". Beautiful.
I could go on forever. Can you take one more metaphor from me? I have many, many lovers, but I can only choose one in the end.
But maybe I shouldn't point my future with my loves at my right. Should my interests be there instead? Oh goodness. This is so long. I think I'll just fit it into another blog. Bubbles. If this post was a bubble, it's now officially POPPED!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Are They STILL in the Shadows???

Ohmygosh. Why is that people like Miley Cyrus constantly hog the spotlight? Or that Selena Gomez is appreciated for her once-in-a-movie dancing? Alyson Stoner can dance her feet off twice as long and ten times better!And she's been acting and making people laugh since she was 10 or so!
Emily Osment.Funny.Good actress, possibly even better than her brother! Her singing has improved a lot! Alyson Stoner's singing has too. I admit her cover of "Baby It's You" was a total chipmunk disaster, but hey: How did you sing when you were 11? Probably not B. Spears worthy!
Why is it that the spotlight never shies away? Not even for a month. Come on, they deserve their big break!
I've heard all the songs on Kiss and Tell and All the Right Wrongs. Honestly: The tracks, lyrics, voice, and construction of A.T.R.W was much, much better! Landslide, people!
Yeah, I just feel the need to complain about unfairness from my POV.
Oh, and I'm not saying Selena Gomez is a bad actor. Or that Taylor Swift is a bad singer. Or that Demi Lovato didn't earn her new stardom. Not at ALL! I love them, but they're not the best. And if the world stopped making goo-goo eyes at them for half a minute, they'd recognize the shining talent of others as well.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


O!M!G!I just got back from THE awesome-est weekend ever. Skycroft. Teens only with young adult counselors. Okay, maybe like 4 parents. But it was fanatical! Fantastic! Ahhh-mazing!
Food? Good enough for me! (And I'm a pretty picky eater!) LOL I had hot chocolate EVERY day with these weird mini-creamers. Like "Irish Cream", "Amaretto", and classics like "Original", "French Vanilla", "Hazelnut"...
...why am I using up all my space with beverage-chat?
I ran like a little girl for the hunt, cried x10 during the rally, and stayed up ALL night, even when I so did not want to. Psh, loud room mates. Oh, and they freaked/screamed/cried over stinkbugs. I, not being scared, was forced to be the well-loved disposer of these poor beings. I had some downs about "friend"ship problems, but some awesome times with my real BFF's. I just can't buh-lieve I must wait yet another year for the next Teen's Winter Retreat.
Ugh.Mom was getting on my back ah-gain. She is such a harpy sometimes.
I felt like I was on a different level; A much higher level. Kind of like a cloud. I'm a Christian and proud of it, and I think He was there with me. Helped bring me up there, actually. I'm trying to start over, but I've already failed a dozen times in 2 days. Sigh. Call me hopeless, call it true.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today was RH's very first spelling bee. Yay. Normally, I could really care less, but
I was in the stinking thing.
And Q:what-bees-make, that makes the world of a difference. (A: Honey, smart one.) Personally, I think my grade is a little too old to still be holding these things. Anyways, I didn't win. I didn't expect to. But I didn't expect that my butt would be kicked from the competition because of some word about something explosive on a ship. Whuh. The...?!?
Please. Do you really expect us to know that? If you do, please lower your expectations big-time. It was H-A-Z-M-A-sum'tin' sum'tin sum'tin. I already passed the first round. I was one of the last 15 (or less) people in the school. Satisfaction is mine though victory isn't.
But right now, I have a way bigger problem. I will fail my Computer Applications class if I don't get a move on my huge, final project. I have holes in all of mine. Five projects. Into one. Which makes six, for presentation. And the end of the quarter is only:
THIS FREAKY FRIDAY!I love that movie when the title isn't quite so literal in my life. Ugh Ugh Ugh x10.
I would've gotten some major progress done today if my mom hadn't brought in the wrong USB. HeLLO, woman, I said "the white short one on my laptop's left". She brought me a blue and gray one that I know for a fact was on the right. Whuh. The...?!?
In one word: Ugh.
In two words: Color blind.
In three words: You are hopeless
But really: I'm probably just going to fail.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Everyone's Absolute FAVORITE

Yay. (Not) Guess what week it is? (Rhetorical question) Exams week!!!!! Everyone just luuhhh-ves it, do they not? (Yeah, they really don't)
So I'm trying to update my stories. Oh, and BTW, I decided to be unsmart and make anuhther one!It's a hit, but all this work is hitting me harder. I may have to change my pen name, since my friends are "advancing".
One more thing? My birthday party is coming up soon! So why don't I feel like celebrating? Sigh. This is yet another "Ashley Spencer" moment. I'm reading the third one in the series. Lucky "Massie Block" never had anything like this.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hot off the press!

Yes! I have just published my newest story on fanfiction! I won't give you the name, but the initials for it would be: W.I.T.T.G.O.Y
Hmph. I only have the initials to help conceal the identity, but it's so darn long it'll probably give it away alone. Oh well. But it's for...older kids."Mature" seventh grade and above.
Whatever; I am SO proud of it! The feeling is completely beyond words, but I can tell you that it's definitely a good one!
Also, I came up with something new that I am also proud of. I heart little puns, but I HATE annoying knock-offs that copy them: I'm strummin' and drummin'!
Simple, but smart. Like most people like me :)
I just haven't blogged in a while. Sorry. I'm thinking of giving the blog link to FF'ers so they can read it instead of constantly checking my profile.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


yeah,that's right: For-get-a-bout-it.
cloud #7 has been pushed out of the spotlight.
NEwayz, I'm in as much LUH-V as a girl my age can be.
yes,again.he's a grade older,i'm not gonna see him for a while next year, and i'm sad.because he has a GF.but i'm also happy, because i honestly could care less. I still feel a bang and a pang when he sees me, talks to me, gestures to me, and etc.
He's just's hard to describe him as something other than dreamy, which is corny x10 so i can't put that. Oops, I just did! Y'know what?He's indescribable. There.
And it's way too late tonight, for school tomorrow, so BUH-BYE!!!!


sooooo it's o-fficial!!!i am addicted to fanfiction. but all around me, authors are quitting, puttin down their digital pencil and leaving their stories unfinished.U-N-F-A-I-R,right?
well not really, but =P to that.
My story? Nothing, except that
I HIT OVER 1,000 READERS!!!!!!!!
sorry,i'm on the cloud wherever happy-writer-clouds are.let's call it cloud #7,kk?yay yay :D